Sunday, March 4, 2007

Gritting My Teeth Over: Being Angry at God

A cat fell out of the sky yesterday morning at 4:00 a.m.
.... Landed on me in my bed
....... Took off running as if nothing had really happened
I have yet to repair the ceiling fabric where she went through.
Did I mention that I have an undiagnosed illness?
.... Nausea starts an hour after waking; bout the same time the nose bleeds start
....... Take nausea to bed with me.
............ Sometimes I'm so tired that I have to eat a high-energy meal and drink a cup of coffee in order to wake up enough to fall asleep at night.
Doctors say it is a mental illness because, after all, who else looks up their symptoms on the Internet to find a disease that matches?

My work could not get done during normal business hours. So, I'm at work on Sunday, finishing up.

The problem is: if God were good, would I be sick?

If God were good, would cats fall out of the rafters on me in the wee hours when I so desparately need rest?

If God were good, wouldn't I have a house that is fully remodeled, not one that has exposed rafters, which a creative cat can find her way up to?

So, I'm driving to work this morning, pissed as all get out at God.

And the sky was blue.
I *know* who created that
The trees were my favorite color of ashen gray.
The wind was chilly and exhilarating.
You ever hear people speak of a lover whom they can never stay mad at?
That's the feeling.
I love Him. I'm just angry at something he hasn't done yet.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

Michael said...


Believe me I learned long ago not to believe "what doctors say" without asking a bunch of other doctors.

Have you been tested for M.S.? Fibromyalgia?

Physical symptoms such as numbness and nausea are rarely caused by mental illness...maybe by medications doled out by shrinks without thinking, but not by mental illness itself.

Having a chronically ill wife, and having fought many doctors, I would urge you to get a second and third opinion if need be.

I could be something as simple as a nutritional deficiency, thyroid problem...geez, any number of things.

You need more than a check up from the neck need a complete, competent medical work up.

Grace & Peace,
